A distressing incident unfolded at an ashram in Kapurthala, where a perpetrator reportedly raped a six-year-old girl. The accused lured the child into a room under the pretext of asking her to peel garlic cloves and assaulted her. Upon hearing the girl’s cries, her mother rushed to the room, prompting the accused to flee. However, the public intervened, capturing and handing him over to the authorities.
The harrowing incident occurred in the Rawalpindi area within the Phagwara Police Station jurisdiction in Kapurthala. The victim’s mother, employed at a charitable trust’s ashram in Phagwara, was working on Sunday as usual, accompanied by her six-year-old daughter.
A few days ago, Naseem Muhammad from Saharsa, Bihar, had also visited the ashram. He allegedly took the opportunity to lure the child into a room and commit the assault, which was thwarted by vigilant individuals. Subsequently, Inspector Usha Rani confirmed that a case has been registered under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act based on the mother’s complaint. The accused has been arrested and is currently undergoing interrogation.
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