Six days after the Ajnala incident, Punjab Police is yet to register an FIR against the rioters. Moreover, on Wednesday, Amritpal was seen speaking on the stage paying tribute to Gurbachan Singh Manochahal. Manochahal was founder of militant group Bhindranwale Tiger Force of Khalistan in Amritsar. Amritpal is seen backing for separate state Khalistan.
Amritpal has been able to lure young minds towards militancy and during Ajnala incident many young boys were seen brandishing swords. He has also seen eulogizing heydays of militancy as he attended the bhog of dreaded militant Gurbachan Singh Manochahal, the self-styled head of the Bhindranwale Tiger Force of Khalistan who was killed on 28 February, 1993. Amritpal Singh not only eulogized Manochahal’s acts but also advised the youth to follow his footsteps stating that he didn’t give life for personal reasons but for ‘Quomi’ reasons.
The release of Lovepreet Singh, who was earlier booked and arrested for serious charges such as kidnapping, was a clear picture of Punjab government bowing to the dictates of Waris Punjab De and reminds of the gory days of militancy in Punjab when terrorists ruled the roost.
AAP government in Punjab has proved itself as a weak government though it harps of taking action against those who stormed the Ajnala police station, opined political experts. Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee (PPCC) president Amarinder Singh Raja Warring on Wednesday wrote a letter to DGP Punjab, and tweeted, “The seize and attack on Ajnala Police station is an unprecedented incident and the guilty must be put behind bars. The inaction of Punjab Govt India has demoralised our martial Punjab Police. I have written to DGP Punjab Police seeking immediate arrest of the culprits.”
Warring further gave an ultimatum to DGP Punjab to arrest Amritpal and his goons or Congress would be forced to come out on roads in agitation.