The New Special Investigation Team (SIT) has registered a total of 1008 cases in the state against those who have been sending people abroad by fraudulent travel agents and agencies (kabootarbazi). Among these cases, 662 accused individuals have been apprehended. He further revealed that a cumulative sum of Rs 4,75,96,100 has been successfully recovered by both the new and existing SIT. While divulging aforementioned information in a press conference here on Thursday, Anil Vij ,Home Minister of Haryana said that t the new SIT registered 383 cases of previous frauds until April 17, 2023, leading to the arrest of 153 individuals. Subsequently, from April 17, 2023 to December 12, 2023, the SIT recorded an additional 625 cases, resulting in the apprehension of 509 accused. Notably, during this period, a recovery of Rs 2,94,38,300 was accomplished. Vij was addressing a press conference here today. Inspector General of Police Mr. Sibash Kabiraj, Superintendent of Police Jashandeep Singh Randhawa and Abhishek Jorwal were also present on this occasion.He shared that on June 2, 2020, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) led by Mrs. Bharti Arora (Retd.) was established to address kabootarbazi cases. Under her leadership, the SIT operated from June 2, 2020, to November 30, 2021, during which a total of 486 cases were registered, and 593 accused individuals were arrested. Notably, a recovery of Rs 1,81,57,800 was achieved during this period.The Home Minister informed that in order to quickly resolve the pending cases of kaboortarbazi and to prevent fraud from the general public, a SIT Sibash Kabiraj, Inspector General of Police, Ambala Range was constituted on April 17, 2023. Jashandeep Singh Randhawa, Superintendent of Police Ambala and Abhishek Jorwal, Superintendent of Police Kaithal (presently Deputy Commissioner of Police Headquarters Faridabad) were included in this SIT.
Further, Vij said that out of 383 old pending cases, 153 accused and 356 accused in the newly registered 625 cases were arrested. Similarly, the new SIT has so far arrested a total of 509 accused involved in kabootar bazi cases and recovered Rs 2,94,38,300 (from their possession. After its formation, an average of 2 accused were arrested every day in such cases. He mentioned that a helpline number, 80530-03400, has been established to assist victims of kabootarbazi cases. The Home Minister said that we are going to implement the Registration and Regulation of Travel Agencies Act and Rules 2023 in Haryana, modeled after similar legislation in Punjab and Chandigarh. This initiative aims to clamp down on illegal agents, travel agencies, and entities involved in sending individuals abroad without proper authorization. The proposed legislation is slated for presentation in the upcoming assembly session. A draft of the Registration and Regulation of Travel Agencies Act and Rule 2023 has been meticulously prepared, incorporating provisions for penalties, fines, and security measures to deter and address any violations of the Act.
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