Mandip Singh alias Chhota Mani, a prime accused in the Sidhu Moosewala murder case and associated with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, along with his accomplice Jatinder Singh, had their police remand extended by the Anti-Gangster Task Force (AGTF) team. The AGTF team brought the accused back to the Mohali court on Monday after the expiration of the previous remand. The accused were presented before the judge for further proceedings, with tight security arrangements in place. Both accused were presented at the fourth floor for the hearing amidst heavy security forces.
The AGTF team had requested a three-day police remand for the accused in court. AGTF argued that there is a need to recover additional weapons related to the case and establish further connections with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. On the other hand, the defense lawyer Karn Saufat, representing the accused, argued against the extension, stating that the accused had already been in AGTF’s custody for three days, during which they had cooperated. He further mentioned that AGTF had already recovered items specified in the initial remand.
After hearing both sides, the court decided to extend the police remand for one more day. The accused will be presented again in the Mohali court on Tuesday. It is noteworthy that on February 4, the AGTF team had apprehended Mandip Singh alias Chhota Mani, an associate of Lawrence Bishnoi, from Chandigarh. Mandip Singh is accused of aiding the escape of suspects involved in the murder of Punjabi singer and rapper Sidhu Moosewala and assisting gangster Deepak Tinu in evading the law in 2017. AGTF had arrested Mandip Singh and his associate Jatinder Singh from Manimajra in connection with the case. Both were found in possession of two .32 caliber pistols and 12 live cartridges during the previous remand.