On Wednesday, Kiara Advani marked her 32nd birthday, and her husband, Sidharth Malhotra, shared a heartfelt tribute on social media. The ‘Shershaah’ star posted a charming photo of Kiara, radiating joy on her special day.
In his touching message, Sidharth wrote, “Happy Birthday Love, the pic says it all. You’re the kindest soul I know. Here’s to many more memories together.” Fans and followers quickly filled the comments with warm birthday wishes, celebrating both Kiara’s special day and the couple’s affection for one another.
Sidharth added a personal touch to the post by including their wedding song, “Ranjha,” alongside the photo. The image featured Kiara in a stunning white outfit, posing with her birthday decorations and displaying her radiant smile.
Recently, Kiara and Sidharth made headlines with their stylish presence at Wimbledon 2024 in London, where they attended the quarter-finals. The couple’s public appearances continue to capture the admiration of fans and showcase their enduring connection.