LUCKNOW: Sidharth Malhotra and Rashmika Mandanna on Thursday announced that they have started shooting for the upcoming film ‘Mission Majnu’. The shoot began for the espionage thriller in Lucknow. ‘Mission Majnu’ marks Southern actress Rashmika’s debut in Bollywood. The film also features Sharib Hashmi and Kumud Mishra in key roles. “A special one with a special team. #MissionMajnu, day 1,” tweeted Sidharth. His co-star and lead actress Rashmika Mandanna wrote: “I can’t wait to join my team. Let the mission start! #MissionMajnu.”
The espionage thriller helmed by Shantanu Bagchi is based on an ambitious covert operation of India and is inspired by real events of the 1970s. It is the story of an Indian mission in Pakistan. The film, written by Parveez Shaikh, Aseem Arrora, and Sumit Batheja, will be shot extensively in Lucknow and Mumbai. It is slated to release later this year.
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