On Saturday, power couple Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani went out for dinner. The couple was captured on camera in front of a restaurant in Bandra. Kiara chose a short white dress for the outing, while Sidharth looked dapper in a navy blue T-shirt and jeans. The couple was seen holding hands as they posed for pictures. Sidharth escorted Kiara to the car, got inside, waved to the photographers, and left. On February 7, Sidharth and Kiara exchanged vows in a private ceremony at Rajasthan’s Suryagarh Palace.
They apparently fell in love while shooting for ‘Shershaah’.
Recently, Sidharth and Kiara starrer film ‘Shershaah’ won the Special Jury Award.
‘Shershaah’ is based on the life of Captain Vikram Batra, who laid down his life in the service of the nation while recapturing Indian territories from Pakistani intruders during the Kargil War in 1999.
Apart from Sidharth and Kiara, the film features Shiv Panditt, Raj Arjun, Pranay Pachauri, Himanshu Ashok Malhotra, Nikitin Dheer, Anil Charanjeett, Sahil Vaid, Shataf Figar and Pawan Chopra among many others acted in the hit war drama.
Sidharth portrays both Batra and his twin brother Vishal in the movie, and Kiara plays Batra’s girlfriend Dimple Cheema. The transformation of their love story from screen to real life is astounding. On August 12, 2021, Vishnu Varadhan’s film “Shershaah” was released. In the meantime, Kiara will star alongside “RRR” actor Ram Charan in the upcoming “Game Changer” as well as in the action thriller “War 2″ with Hrithik Roshan and Jr. NTR.
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