The Delhi High Court today prohibited all news channels from displaying or playing content of the charge sheet in the Shraddha Walkar murder case. Justice Rajnish Bhatnagar also concentrating the Center to confirm that no news channel shows such material till disposal of the petition filed by Delhi Police.
The Delhi Police requested that media outlets not be allowed to broadcast, print, or distribute any confidential information included in the charge sheet or other materials gathered throughout the course of the case’s investigation. The Delhi Police was granted their request.
According to Special Public Prosecutor Amit Prasad, the trial court prohibited all the news channel from airing any such material despite the station having access to the accused Aaftab Poonawala’s narco analysis footage.
However, he asserted that the order must also be issued against all other stations because it’s possible that the footage was shared with others and that airing it will harm the case. The high court listed the matter for further hearing on 3 August.
Poonawala is accused of throttling his live-in partner Walkar and chopping her body into pieces in Mehrauli here on May 18 last year. The Delhi Police had filed the 6,629-page charge sheet in the case on 24 January.
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