MUMBAI: Actor Shraddha Kapoor known for her emotive performances on the big screen has turned investor with a beauty brand. The actor not only decided to endorse the brand but also became an investing partner in the company. On being asked on what led to this development she mentioned that she deeply resonated with the brand’s clean beauty formulations and cruelty-free promise as that is something she feels passionately about.
She went on to say “I’m really excited to be the face of MyGlamm and also have the opportunity to invest in it. The DTC beauty market is growing rapidly and I believe it is the future. Through the brand, I hope to understand and fulfil the beauty needs of my fans and followers.” Shraddha joins a number of Bollywood stars who have strategically invested in emerging businesses across various sectors.
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The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.