As Maharashtra Assembly elections took place on Wednesday, Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor stepped out with her family to cast her vote. However, what was meant to be a simple visit to the polling booth turned into an impromptu fan interaction when polling booth workers eagerly approached her for selfies.
In a video that surfaced on social media, Shraddha, accompanied by her aunt Padmini Kolhapure and brother Siddhanth Kapoor, was seen being mobbed by excited fans. Dressed in a white printed suit for the outing, Shraddha gracefully posed for selfies with her fans, even showing off her inked finger as a symbol of voting.
At one point, the actor was briefly stopped from leaving the booth as some fans continued to interact with her. Despite the attention, Shraddha handled the situation with ease, continuing to smile and engage with those eager to capture a moment with the Stree 2 actor.
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