Bollywood actors Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, on Tuesday began the shooting for their next film, the horror comedy sequel ‘Stree 2’. Taking to Instagram, actor RajKummar Rao shared a special video and announced the news. He captioned the video, “Ek baar phir, Chanderi mein faila aantak! Stree 2 filming begins! Aa rahi hai woh- August 2024!”
The video hints that the sequel might be having two ghosts this time as it was written “sarkate ka aatank” in Hindi in the clip.
Helmed by Amar Kaushik, the film stars RajKummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana and Abhishek Banerjee in the lead roles.
It is all set to hit the theatres in August 2024.
Makers of the upcoming horror comedy film officially announced their film at a grand event in Mumbai in April where the team enacted a skit to announce the release date of the horror comedy sequel. The ‘Stree 2’ cast recently met for the script reading sessions.
Helmed by Amar Kaushik ‘Stree’ was released in the year 2018 and was declared a blockbuster hit. Rajkummar and Aparshakti also had a cameo in Varun Dhawan’s horror comedy film ‘Bhediya’ which was released in November last year. The makers of ‘Bhediya’ also announced the sequel of the film.
At the gala, Varun unveiled the logo of ‘Bhediya 2’ and even made a wolf sound, expressing his excitement.
Meanwhile, RajKummar will also be seen in ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ opposite actor Janhvi Kapoor and in Srikant Bholla’s biopic ‘SRI’ opposite Alaya F.
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