Domestic short-format video app Mitron TV on Tuesday said it has made its debut on iOS devices, enabling Apple users to create, upload, view and share one-minute videos. The app was first made available on the Android Play Store and in just six months, witnessed significant traction with over 39 million downloads. The iOS version will also have ‘categories’ which was launched for the Android version recently, allowing viewers to discover videos that offer a perfect match to their interests. Mitron’s iOS app offers advanced video editing options, empowering creators to make distinctive content for an immersive experience. Mitron recently raised $5 million, in a fund-raising round led by Nexus Venture Partners, 3one4 Capital and other angel investors like Deep Kalra (MakeMyTrip), Amrish Rau (Pine Labs), Jitendra Gupta (Jupiter Money) and others.
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