Shah Rukh Khan and Suhana Khan are reportedly gearing up to commence shooting for the film “King” from May 2024. The confirmation of the movie’s full-scale production indicates that continuous filming could kick off in early May 2024. The much-anticipated film, featuring the father-daughter duo, is set to begin shooting. Sujoy Ghosh, the filmmaker, is said to be actively involved in the pre-production of the film and has almost completed the script for this action-packed thriller.
Reportedly Siddharth Anand, the director of “Pathaan,” is joining as a co-producer alongside Shah Rukh’s Red Chillies Entertainment for “King.” Despite earlier speculations suggesting the film might have been shelved, the latest update reveals that SRK and Suhana are already preparing for the project, with filming scheduled to commence in May 2024.
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