It’s been over two months that Sushant Singh Rajput left the world. The actor was found dead in his Mumbai home on June 14. The Supreme Court on Wednesday gave a go-ahead for a CBI investigation in the actor’s mysterious death. The decision has been lauded by everyone, from celebrities to his family and fans. Actor Shivin Narang also hailed the move but mentioned that he still can’t believe that Sushant is no more.   

The Beyhadh 2 actor revealed that he shared the same building as the late actor and his death affected him and his family both.

 “When I first heard the news, I thought its fake, all this is a big bad dream and not real. And it really affected me and my family. Sushant and I used to stay in the same building when he was living in Malad, so I have seen him closely for a couple of years. We even shared the same gym for quite some time. Though we were not friends, we shared friendly greetings. I have always seen him as a hardworking person, he was dedicated, passionate and I just couldn’t digest the news about his death when it surfaced. He is someone who young actors look up to, I was always a fan of his work and even today its difficult for me to accept that he is no more in the world with us. Since the past two months, this news has affected us more mentally, physically and emotionally than Covid-19,” said Shivin.  

Post Sushant’s death, Mumbai police had filed an accidental death report while investigating the case. It was last month that his father K.K Singh filed an FIR in Patna against Rhea Chakraborty for cheating the late actor of money and mentally harassing Sushant. He demanded a CBI probe in the case which was granted by the Supreme Court.   

Talking about the verdict, the Ek Veer Ki Ardaas… Veera actor said, “Now that the CBI probe is confirmed it’s a big win for his family, friends, loved ones and fans all over the world as well as the people who are standing up for justice. I just hope that truth wins and his family and friends get a closure. And the real reason behind his death comes out so that it doesn’t happen with anyone ever again. If there is any foul play there should be a stricter law for that. I want his soul to rest in peace and prayers for him and his family.”  

Initially, when the news of Sushant’s death surfaced, it was said that the actor became a victim of nepotism and committed suicide as he was out of work and battling depression. Shivin, however, believes that SSR became a successful star despite facing nepotism and instead of complaining about it, people should look up to him for what he achieved owing to his talent and skills.  

“If nepotism is there then Sushant is the best example. He came from a humble family, facing all the nepotism, reached that peak with his passion, hard work and vision. We should celebrate his success rather than complaining about nepotism because despite all odds he fulfilled his dream. And I also believe the same, it’s everywhere in the world but if you have a dream and also the courage, consistency and passion things like nepotism won’t matter to you,” Shivin signed off.