In a surprise move, hours before the deadline for filing nomination for the Assembly polls in Karnataka, Congress MP from Bangalore Rural D K Suresh on Thursday filed his papers from Kanakapura segment, from where his elder brother and state chief D K Shivakumar is the party’s candidate. “Bangalore Rural MP D K Suresh filed his nomination today to contest the state assembly election from Kanakapura constituency,” Karnataka Congress chief Shivakumar tweeted. According to Congress sources, Suresh has filed his papers, as a backup plan in the event of Shivakumar’s nomination getting rejected. The ruling BJP has fielded a senior Minister and its prominent Vokkaliga face R Ashoka from Kanakapura to take on Shivakumar. Suresh is the lone Congress Member of Parliament from Karnataka. He had earlier said that he was not interested in coming to state politics, when speculations were rife that he may be fielded from Ramanagara, against JD(S) leader and former CM H D Kumaraswamy’s son Nikhil Kumaraswamy. There had also been speculation that as a “retaliatory measure” to BJP’s plan of fielding a strong candidate against Shivakumar in Kanakapura, Suresh may be fielded from the Padmanabhanagar segment, the other seat from where Ashoka is contesting.
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