Ahead of the Ram temple bhoomi pujan, The Daily Guardian met Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut for an exclusive interview. He spoke about how the Ram temple has become one party’s agenda now and how the Shiv Sena will always remain a “Hindutvawaadi”party. 

 Q: Is Shiv Sena not invited for the bhoomi pujan? Will the party still celebrate the event? 

 A: Shiv Sena had been part of the organised agitation for the Ram temple since LK Advani, Ashok Singhal and Murli Manohar Joshi started the campaign. At that point, the temple was not the agenda of a single party – people and parties across the country joined it. But today the Ram temple ceremony has become only one party’s agenda. We are not being invited for the bhoomi pujan. But it doesn’t mean that we will not celebrate the occasion. Our Shiv Sainik have reached Ayodhya and will take part in the ceremony as well as the deepotsav. No one can stop us from visiting Lord Rama. Rama is our soul and we will go to Ayodhya for Diwali. The Maharashtra CM will also visit Ayodhya in the near future. 

 Q: Earlier in Saamana, Uddhav  Thackeray said that the Ram temple bhoomi pujan should be performed online. What do you say about that? 

A: He made that suggestion in the context of the Covid-19 situation. He meant to say that if the celebration had taken place after two months then many others could have joined it. But people took his words in the wrong way. 

 Q: You have joined forces with a secular party in Maharashtra. Do you think that your Hindutva is at stake now? 

 A:Hindutva is in our blood, it is our soul, and no one can snatch away our Hindutva from us. We are a Hindutvawaadi party and we will remain so. If we have joined hands with NCP and Congress, that doesn’t mean that we have become a secular party. Only because we are not in alliance with BJP right now doesn’t mean that anyone can raise a question on our Hindutva ideals.  TDG: Will the Shiv Sena and BJP join hands in the near future?  SR: I don›t think it›s possible now. 

Senior Shiv Sena leader Sanjay raut.

 TDG: What if BJP is ready to make you CM? 

 SR: We are not beggars. I don’t think the parties will enter an alliance together. 

 TDG: Regarding the Sushant Singh Rajput case, do you think the Mumbai Police’s handling of the matter is making people doubt things on social media? 

SR: We know who is responsible this social media campaign. I also know various details about Sushant Singh Rajput’s family. He had a problem with his sisters and father. One day I will open up about the family and the allegations they have made against Mumbai Police. 

TDG: A minister’s son has also been dragged into this case though. 

SR: Social media is circulating anything it can find. Mumbai Police is probing the case right now. The truth will be out. Just wait and watch.