The Economic Offences Wing of the Mumbai Police has filed an FIR against Shiv Sena (UBT) MLA Ravindra Waikar in connection with the construction of a luxury hotel in Jogeshwari, alleged to have violated his agreement with the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). Five other individuals, including his wife Manisha Waikar, business partners Aasoo Nehlanai, Raj Lalchandani, and Prithpal Bindra, as well as architect Arun Dubey, have also been named in the FIR.
The charges against the accused include criminal breach of trust, cheating, dishonestly inducing delivery of property, and criminal conspiracy. The origins of the FIR trace back to a complaint filed by a BMC sub-engineer at the Azad Maidan police station. According to the complaint, Waikar had previously entered into a contract with the BMC, securing permission to establish a sports facility on a plot in Jogeshwari. This permission was granted during the tenure of the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government in the state. However, earlier this year, Waikar received a notice for allegedly utilizing the plot of land, originally designated for a public garden, to construct a hotel. This action has led to the legal proceedings against him and the other accused parties.
As of now, no arrests have been made in the case, but the police may summon the legislator and other individuals implicated for questioning as the investigation unfolds.