Over 30 Shiv Sena (UBT) activists and office-bearers from Nashik, Dhule, and Jalgaon districts officially joined Shiv Sena in a ceremony attended by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde in Mumbai. Key figures, including Nashik district’s deputy chief Kishore Sonawane, Dindori parliamentary constituency’s party observer Ganesh Davange, Jalgaon district chief Samadhan Mahajan, and youth wing city chief Harshal Mavle, made the transition. Simultaneously, Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray addressed a gathering of the North Indian community during the Govardhan Puja celebration in Mira Bhayander. Uddhav assured continuous support, contrasting Sena’s commitment with what he labeled as temporary attention from other political entities during election periods. He emphasized the enduring connection between the North Indian community and Shiv Sena, urging them to remember the party’s reliability beyond election cycles.
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