Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Monday updated his social media accounts and placed Vinayak Damodar Savarkar’s pictures on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as profile pictures as a gesture of support for Hindutva ideologue. The gesture came in accordance with the ongoing controversy following Rahul Gandhi’s remarks on Savarkar that “My name is not Savarkar, won’t apologize”. While interacting with media, Eknath Shinde also announced he would hold ‘Savarkar Gaurav Yatra’ in Maharashtra.
“I condemn Rahul Gandhi’s statement on Veer Savarkar. He played a great role in the country’s freedom struggle. Due to the contribution of such heroes, India got freedom. We will hold ‘Savarkar Gaurav Yatra’ in the state,” said Eknath Shinde.
Further detailing about ‘Savarkar Gaurav Yatra’, Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis said, “We will hold Savarkar Gaurav Yatra in every district of the state to talk about the contributions of Veer Savarkar.
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