According to the India Meteorological Department, a heavy snowfall warning has been issued across Himachal Pradesh for Tuesday and Wednesday. “We have issued a heavy snowfall warning for districts Kullu, Lahaul and Spiti and Kinnaur. The mid-hill districts of Kangra, Chamba, Mandi and Shimla will also have one or two spells of heavy snowfall in higher reaches,” Sandeep Kumar Sharma, a senior scientist at IMD, Himachal Pradesh, said.
Azerbaijan confirmed its first mpox case involving a 22-year-old returning from a trip abroad. The…
An engineer created an AI-powered robot using ChatGPT to control a nail gun, enabling fast…
Sanjay Roy found guilty of rape and murder in RG Kar case, but claims innocence…
Biliary tract cancer (BTC) is a rare and aggressive cancer that affects the bile ducts,…
Father of RG Kar trainee doctor breaks down after Sanjay Roy's conviction for rape and…
Sanjay Roy, convicted of the RG Kar rape-murder, insists he was falsely implicated and names…