Ahead of the release of ‘Hungama 2’, Shilpa Shetty Kundra opened up about her experience of working with filmmaker Priyadarshan and her co-star Paresh Rawal.“I can’t tell you how excited I am, I always wanted to work with Paresh ji in a comedy with Priyadarshan. This is really a tick on my bucket list. This has always been a lethal combination with Paresh, Priyadarshan and with a franchise that has been extremely successful before,” she said in a statement.
Shilpa also expressed happiness on reuniting with Johny Lever, who was a part of her debut film ‘Baazigar’.“Johny bhai, Rajpal ji these are all fabulous artists. Johny bhai – he is a stalwart; he was a part of ‘Baazigar’. Just to come back on screen with all of these amazing artists who really are on the top of their craft. “I got to learn so much from all of them. You know people are just going to love ‘Hungama 2’. Comedy is really a need of the hour in these depressing times so I am really happy that ‘Hungama 2’ is releasing in a time like these where people will really enjoy it,” she added. ‘Hungama 2’ is a sequel to 2003 released hit ‘Hungama’. The new version also stars Meezaan Jaffey, Pranitha Subhash, Rajpal Yadav and Ashutosh Rana. It will be launched on July 23 for subscribers of Disney+ Hotstar VIP and Disney+ Hotstar Premium.