Bollywood diva Shilpa Shetty took to her official Twitter handle and shared a hilarious video in which was seen buying tomatoes. In the caption, the gorgeous actress referred to her 2000 movie and wrote, “टमाटर ke prices are raising my Dhadkan.”
Check out the viral video below
Previously, the diva took to her official Instagram handle and shared a BTS video from the sets of India’s Got Talent. She is seen seated on the judges’ panel with the other two judges Kirron Kher and Badshah. Along with the video, she wrote, “And we’re back at it again! #IndiasGotTalent… and so do we! @kirronkhermp Dekhiye humein #IGT par, jald hi, only on @sonytvofficial!”
Prior to this, Bigg Boss OTT fame Urfi Javed took to her official Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures in which she sported tomatoes as her earrings.
Take a look at Urfi Javed’s Instagram post
For those unaware, the prices of tomatoes are skyrocketing across the country. In Mumbai, tomatoes are available at Rs 137/KG, and in Delhi, tomatoes are being sold at Rs 140/KG.
Stay tuned for more such news.
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