On the 30th anniversary of her Bollywood debut in the Abbas-Mustan thriller ‘Baazigar,’ Shilpa Shetty Kundra expressed gratitude on Instagram, sharing a clip from the iconic film. She credited her success to the guiding light of Jain Rtn Ji and #Venus, and extended thanks to Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, and the director duo Abbas-Mustan. Shilpa reminisced about the journey, acknowledging the ups and downs, and expressed happiness about entertaining her audience for three decades. She quoted the film’s famous dialogue, “Haar ke jeetne wale ko BAAZIGAR kehte hain!” and celebrated the diverse experiences and learning in her Bollywood journey.
Shilpa Shetty Kundra is set to appear in Rohit Shetty’s OTT debut, ‘Indian Police Force,’ alongside Sidharth Malhotra and Vivek Oberoi. Additionally, she will feature in the pan-India multilingual film ‘KD-The Devil’ alongside V Ravichandran and Sanjay Dutt, scheduled for release in Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi.
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