MUMBAI: Sherlyn Chopra, who accused Raj Kundra of sexual assault, has recently posted a video addressing his wife and Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty. In the video, Sherlyn was seen folding her hands and she had captioned the video, “I request you to show some sympathy towards the female victims. There is no harm in admitting one’s mistakes.”
In the video, Sherlyn was seen questioning few recent statements made by Shilpa Shetty on a reality show that she is judging. In the show, Shilpa was seen praising Rani Laxmi Bai and Sherlyn pointed it out and asked if the actress had any sympathy for the alleged victims involved in Raj Kundra’s pornography case, “You expressed that you bow down to all those women who bravely face all the challenges of life, does that also include those helpless victims who courageously recorded their statements at different police stations?”
Sherlyn also claimed that ever since the pornography case has come forward—Shilpa Shetty’s followers have been harassing her on social media. “These days whenever I post anything on social media, your followers troll me saying that my pictures are photoshopped. But let me tell you that all the investigating agencies of the country are much educated than you, me and your followers. They know how to get into the details. Also, a few days ago I read you post about faith, which made me feel very good. I feel that belief is such a powerful force that it can spread light even in the most hopeless situations. I request you, that being a female, please show some sympathy towards all those helpless girls, who have been urging for justice. They have complete faith in the law of the land.”
In connection with the pornography case Sherlyn Chopra was earlier seen appearing before the Mumbai Crime Branch’s Property Cell to record her statement.