Shehnaaz Gill recently opened up about getting a makeover for the song Haanji from Rhea Kapoor. The makers of Thank You For Coming shared the first track from the film Haanji. It features beautiful ladies having a fun time. Ahead of its release, they also hosted a fun live chat with fans. The gorgeous actress expressed her gratitude towards Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani. She stated during the conversation, “She has completely changed me. Earlier, you would watch Sonam Kapoor and feel wow, she dresses up so well. She has given me a makeover like that.”
The film marks the Bollywood directorial debut of Rhea Kapoor’s husband, Karan Boolani and is backed by Rhea Kapoor along with Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor under the banner of Balaji Motion Pictures. It is ready to hit theaters worldwide on October 6, 2023.
For the unversed, it is also the only Hindi film selected to have its Gala World Premiere at the TIFF 2023 this year. Anil Kapoor will be attending the prestigious event. Producer Ektaa R Kapoor and Director Karan Boolani will also be attending the festival.
Stay tuned for more such stories.
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