Tension is rising in Thiruvananthapuram as the Chief Minister’s Nava Kerala Sada draws closer to its conclusion on Saturday. Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said that a nonviolent demonstration in Thiruvananthapuram was notable by the unannounced launch of a tear gas shell and the use of a water cannon. This incident, which happened during the Left government’s outreach initiative, Nava Kerala Sadas, has raised questions about how peaceful protestors are treated and democratic values are respected.
Water cannons and tear gas were used in reaction to alleged stone and stick throwing by protestors against the police, which escalated the protest—which was spearheaded by the opposition Congress—into violence. Senior executives were impacted by the sudden use of force, which was why the meeting ended so quickly. But things became really weird when, in the middle of a nonviolent demonstration, a tear gas shell blew quite close to the platform where Tharoor was standing. A water cannon was then fired after that. Expressions of astonishment and disdain for democracy and human rights were used by Tharoor to characterise the event.
Protesters are reacting to claims that CPI(M) members, DYFI, and the Chief Minister’s assailant have attacked Congress and Youth Congress activists. Questions concerning the state’s handling of dissident voices and its observance of the freedom to protest have been highlighted by this episode. Leaders in Congress claimed it was a premeditated attempt to jeopardise their lives and an attack on the party’s most senior figures.
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