On Friday, Sourav Ganguly, the former India skipper and current BCCI president, invited Union Home Minister Amit Shah at his Kolkata residence for a dinner. “We have invited the honourable Home Minister Amit Shah Ji to attend a dinner party. He accepted the offer and will come during the evening,” Ganguly told this correspondent.
The BCCI president spoke to The Daily Guardian during noon.
When asked what he has to say about the controversy that has arisen because of the invitation, Ganguly said: “Many controversies arise but we have an old relationship since 2008. That’s why he is coming today. Nothing more.”
This correspondent asked Ganguly what was on the menu, to which Ganguly replied: “I don’t know. He is a vegetarian. So we prepared his favourite dish.”
However, said Ganguly, Mamata Banerjee advised him to keep Dahi and Rasgulla for dessert. “’Didi is a Bengali woman, so she said that is the way how Bengalis welcome their guests.”
When asked whether the meeting was official, Ganguly said, “It’s totally a courtesy call. Nothing (official).” “I have known him (Amit Shah) since 2008,” he said. On Friday afternoon, sources said Shah could be accompanied by Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari and MP Swapan Dasgupta.
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