MUMBAI: Former Union minister and BJP leader Syed Shahnawaz Hussain on Tuesday underwent an angioplasty procedure at the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, said a doctor. “Mr Hussain (54) underwent the medical procedure after he showed the evolvement of a heart attack,” said Dr Jalil Parkar, senior consultant, at the Lilavati Hospital. Angioplasty is a procedure carried out by doctors to open narrowed or blocked blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. The procedure was preceded by an angiography which showed a blockage on the right side of the BJP leader’s heart, Dr Parkar said. “Around 4.30 pm, Mr Hussain complained of high blood pressure. Mumbai BJP president Ashish Shelar called me for his hospitalisation to Lilavati where Hussain showed evolvement of a heart attack.
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