NEW DELHI: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter, Suhana Khan, celebrated her 21st birthday on Sunday by sharing a special Instagram post. The star kid took to her Instagram handle to post a picture of herself posing in a pastel green bodycon dress. “Twentyone” she wrote in the caption along with a heart emoji. Suhana styled her dress with a matching purse and left her hair open. Among fans and followers who posted their birthday wishes for her was Suhana’s friend Ananya Panday, who called her ‘Tinkerbell’. Ananya’s mother, Bhavana, like Maheep Kapoor and Zoya Akhtar, dropped heart emojis. Meanwhile, her mother Gauri posted a stylish throwback picture of Suhana along with a beautiful note She wrote, “Happy birthday…. you are loved today, tomorrow and always.” To this Suhana replied “I love you”
Suhana, currently a student at the New York University had spent most of her time in lockdown with her family in Mumbai. She even joined Shah Rukh and her brother Aryan in the UAE, where she cheered for the Kolkata Knight Riders at the IPL 2020.
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