Film producer and interior designer Gauri Khan has treated her followers to some new pictures of her daughter Suhana Khan. On Friday, she took to Instagram to share a bunch of pictures from a new photoshoot she did for Suhana. In the photos, which are all clicked by Gauri, Suhana is seen posing by a pool in a white tank top and blue denim shorts. She is also holding a can of Coca Cola in a couple of pictures.

Sharing the photos, Gauri wrote, “Yes !!!! Blue is my favourite colour.” Suhana also shared pictures from the shoot and invoked Cindy Crawford’s famous Coca Cola shoot in the caption. “Pretend it’s a Pepsi and I’m Cindy Crawford,” she wrote.

In the comments section, Suhana’s father, actor Shah Rukh Khan delivered a rare comment. “Can I pretend it’s you and the cola is incidental…..and still appreciate the picture,” he wrote. Shah Rukh rarely leaves any comments on Suhana’s posts on Instagram. On Gauri’s post, he wrote, “Whatever colour you take the picture in and Suhana is in it, is our favourite colour.”

Suhana called Gauri the ‘Best photographer’ and Shah Rukh’s Raees co-star Mahira Khan also left a comment. “How gorgeous is Suhana! MashAllah xx,” she wrote. Shanaya Kapoor, Maheep Kapoor, Seema Khan, Bhavana Pandey, all left loving comments and emojis on the post.

Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan have three children–son Aryan and AbRam and daughter Suhana. Suhana is their middle child and currently pursuing a course in film studies at Tisch School of Arts at the New York University. Suhana wishes to be an actor like her father and has acted in a short movie with her friends and some stage productions at her school.

The couple’s eldest son Aryan does not aspire to be an actor but a filmmaker. He recently graduated from the University of Southern California, where he was pursuing a course in film studies as well.