Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan finally unveiled the highly anticipated Jawan Prevue today on social media. It will mark his first collaboration with Atlee. Today, the makers finally unveiled the highly anticipated Jawan Prevue. The Prevue gives a fair idea of what to expect from this mammoth. SRK seems to be in full form. One of the major highlights is the various never-seen-before looks of Shah Rukh Khan.

SRK shared the Jawan Prevue on Twitter and wrote, “Main kaun hoon, kaun nahin, jaanne ke liye, READY AH? #JawanPrevue Out Now! #Jawan releasing worldwide on 7th September 2023, in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu.”

Have a look

Jawan is ready to hit theatres soon. The film promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its thrilling plot. The trailer of Jawan will be shown in theatres simultaneously with the premiere of Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One. The trailer of the film will be unveiled in theatres alongside the premiere of Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One. Jawan follows the story of a man determined to right the wrongs in society and get revenge for his past.

The film is expected to be an action-packed thriller where the protagonist, played by SRK, is faced with a powerful and ruthless villain. Also, he meets a seasoned lady officer who becomes emotionally invested in his battle.