Actor Shah Rukh Khan on Thursday unveiled the official trailer of Dulquer Salmaan’s upcoming action thriller film ‘King of Kotha.’
Taking to Twitter, Shah Rukh Khan wrote, “Congratulations on the impressive #KOKTrailer, @dulQuer ! Looking forward to the movie. Big hug to you and wishing the entire team a big success!”
Alongside SRK the trailer was also launched by south cinema legends Mohanlal, Suriya, and Nagarjuna.
Touted to be a gangster and a high-octane action drama, the film features Dulquer Salmaan in the lead portraying a formidable contender in the high-stakes pursuit of supremacy.
The film is directed by Abhilash Joshiy and is slated for an Onam release this year on August 24, 2023.
The Pan India film will release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.
Meanwhile, Dulquer will also be making his digital debut with the upcoming series ‘Guns & Gulaabs’ which also stars RajKummar Rao and Gulshan Devaiah in the lead roles.
Helmed by Raj and DK the series will stream exclusively on the OTT platform Netflix from August 18.
Set in the early ’90s in the unpredictable and precarious town called Gulaabganj, the series is an ode to Bollywood in the nineties.
Immersed in the ‘90s, Guns & Gulaabs paints a wild, wild world in cinemascope where a high-stakes deal unfolds. Against the backdrop of comedic power struggles and revenge plots, the series blends genres as it follows a lovestruck mechanic, a reluctant heir to a ruling gang, and an honest officer-turned-agent-of-chaos. Adding to this, a trio of schoolmates experience the sweet innocence that comes with growing up in a small town, replete with heartbreaks, betrayal, and a world of firsts, a statement read.
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