Ahead of Jawan’s release, Bollywood King Khan Shah Rukh Khan, his daughter Suhana Khan, and his co-star Nayanthara prayed at Sri Venkateshwara Swamy temple in Tirupati. A viral video shows SRK, Suhana and Pooja Dadlani at the temple. His Jawan co-star Nayanthara and her husband Vignesh Shivan were also seen. The actor donned a cream mundu, a kurta and a matching stole with a golden border. On the other hand, Suhana opted for a white salwar kameez. Nayanthara and Vignesh were also seen in white outfits.

Check out the viral video below

For those unaware, earlier, SRK was seen seeking blessings at the Vaishno Devi temple in Jammu and Kashmir.

The trailer showed SRK hijacking a train and operating a team of six women as they pulled off different heists around the country. Seems like SRK is playing a double role in the film as he was spotted acing different avatars.

Nayanthara plays a cop tasked with tracking down the vigilante. In the trailer, we can also see her romancing SRK. Clearly, the makers have kept plot details under wraps.

Antagonist Vijay Sethupathi’s glimpses in the trailer amped up the audience’s curiosity for sure. Deepika Padukone, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover and Ridhi Dogra are also featured in the trailer which is packed with some jaw-dropping action scenes.

The trailer promises a mass entertainer with seeti-maar dialogues. “Bete ko haath lagane se pehle baap se baat kar (Before touching the son, talk to his father),” this dialogue of SRK in trailer sure gave a hint at what amazing filmy surprise SRK has in store for moviegoers.