On Wednesday, Bollywood power couple Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan returned to Mumbai with their son AbRam post spending time in the US. Before heading to the US, they were holidaying in London, and during their visit, many Bollywood celebs were also vacationing there. Now, a picture of the power couple, filmmaker Karan Johar, Rani Mukerji, and Aditya Chopra is doing the rounds on social media platforms.
In the viral picture, they are seen chilling at London’s Hyde Park. All of them are sitting in the park while SRK is seen standing. The Pathaan star has sported an all-black outfit, and his face is also covered with a black mask.
Check out the viral picture below
Meanwhile, the actor has recently faced an unfortunate incident while shooting for a project in Los Angeles, United States. ETimes reported that a source shared, “SRK was shooting for a project in Los Angeles and he ended up hurting his nose. He began bleeding and was immediately rushed to the hospital. His team was informed by the doctor that there was nothing to worry and King Khan would need to undergo a minor surgery to stop the bleeding. Post the operation, SRK was spotted with a bandage on his nose.”
On the work front, the much-awaited trailer of SRK’s Jawaan will release soon, and the film has been generating significant buzz within the industry and among his dedicated fan base. He will be seen in a never-before-seen avatar. Also, this marks his first collaboration with Atlee. Apart from this, the actor has Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki opposite Taapsee Pannu in his kitty.
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