As the release date of ‘Dunki’ approaches, Shah Rukh Khan and director Raj Kumar Hirani have been actively involved in the film’s final post-production phase. Recent sightings of Shah Rukh Khan outside a dubbing studio in the rain have piqued the interest of fans.

In a video capturing the moment, Shah Rukh Khan emerged from the studio dressed in black as fans cheered his name. Shah Rukh Khan quickly got into his car and acknowledged the fans in the rain. Meanwhile, Raj Kumar Hirani, dressed in a blue shirt, was spotted walking around the studio grounds, though the actor and director were not photographed together.

The teaser and the first track, ‘Lut Put Gaya,’ from ‘Dunki,’ have already captivated audiences. Written by Abhijat Joshi, Rajkumar Hirani, and Kanika Dhillon, ‘Dunki’ is a heart-warming tale of four friends and their quest to reach foreign shores, it charts the arduous yet life changing journey they are about to undertake to make their dreams come true. Drawn from real-life experiences, ‘Dunki’ is a saga of love and friendship that brings together these wildly disparate stories, and provides hilarious and heart-breaking answers.

Directed by Rajkumar Hirani and produced under Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment, ‘Dunki’ is scheduled to hit the screens on December 21. This collaboration marks the first project between Shah Rukh Khan and Rajkumar Hirani, promising an eagerly anticipated cinematic treat for fans.