Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan launched his darling wife Gauri Khan’s debut book on interior design on Monday in Mumbai. SRK said she was the busiest out of all the Khans. The actor went on to say that no matter what the family did during the day, they make it a point to get together for dinner when they are in Mumbai.
SRK was seen launching his darling wife Gauri’s coffee table book, which is published by Ebury Press. The book features exclusive pictures of the Khans, including Shah Rukh and their three children, Aryan Khan, Suhana Khan, and AbRam Khan. It also showcases the Khans’ famous abode in Bandra called Mannat.
The power couple unveiled the book together at the launch. They were matching in black. At the launch, SRK also spoke about Gauri’s career. The actor said, “She is genuinely the busiest person in the house now, compared to me, my son, my daughter and my little one, and my sister. I’m like, ‘What are you doing the whole day? What do you keep doing so much work?’ She said because it satisfies me. I think this book stands for that.”
Further, the actor added: “We have dinners at home. We don’t say any choice in that. We have to have dinner together. On those dinners, we discuss how was your day at work? At the end of the dinner, the discussion is, it was a satisfying dinner because [Gauri] believes a satisfying day is a happy day.”