NEW DELHI: Actor Shah Rukh Khan is back on the sets of the film Pathan, co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, after a hiatus due to the lockdown. The film began shooting last year but due to several restrictions the shooting came to a halt in March end. The actor has an array of films in the pipeline including an upcoming project by Rajkumar Hirani which apparently stars Taapsee Pannu but it hasn’t been confirmed yet.

According to a tabloid, the Rajkumar Hirani project will roll from September 2021 onwards and go on till January 2022. It seems like Taapsee Pannu has secured the female lead role. The entertaining comedy, set up against the backdrop of immigration, is written by Rajkumar Hirani and Kanika Dhillon. Shahrukh Khan also has Atlee’s next and well