Union Home Minister, Amit Shah on Thursday inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of four projects costing more than Rs 6,600 crore in a programme organised in Faridabad. Besides this, he also laid the foundation stone of the Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project costing about Rs 5,618 crore and inaugurated Rail Coach Refurbishment Factory at Barhi in Sonipat district costing Rs 590 crore. The Union Home Minister also inaugurated the country’s first longest elevated railway track built at Rohtak at a cost of Rs 315.40 crore. Along with this, the Haryana Police residence complex at Bhondsi built at the cost of Rs 106 crore was also inaugurated by Sh. Amit Shah. About 576 police families will be able to live in the police residential complex.
Later addressing the gathering, Amit Shah greatly appreciated the work of the Haryana Government and Chief Minister. He congratulated the people of Haryana on the successful completion of 8 years of the Haryana Government. Manohar Lal has completed his tenure of 8 years in a very successful manner. In these eight years, he has en-sured the holistic development of the State. Haryana Government under the leadership of Chief Minister, Manohar Lal has done commendable work of transforming Haryana in these 8 years. After a long time, since independence, Haryana has got such an honest and dedicated Chief Minister,” said Amit Shah. Unlike the past, when the State used to get a Chief Minister either from Sirsa or Rohtak, our Manohar Lal had become the Chief Minister of the entire Haryana, said Shah. He said that, Manohar Lal has taken care of all sections. While comparing the working style of the Manohar Lal government with the previous governments, Sh. Shah said that the tenure of our government in these eight years will always have an upper hand over the 50-year rule of previous governments. During this, the Union Home Minister also mentioned the achievements of the Haryana government achieved in the last 8 years and congratulated his entire team including the Chief Minister.
He said that Haryana is the first state which has become smoke-free. Every house in Haryana has a gas stove. Haryana ranks second in terms of food grains and milk production. Haryana has stood first in National Games and Olympics. 400 Fortune companies of the world are working in Haryana. The state government has worked to make Gurugram an industrial hub, said Shah. He said that eight years ago, Haryana was ranked 16th in exports, but now it is at number seven in terms of exports. Haryana has secured the second position in the country under the ‘landlocked category’ in the Niti Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index.
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