On Thursday, a devastating accident occurred near Durbuk, Ladakh, when a school bus carrying 27 passengers lost control and plunged into a 200-meter deep gorge. The crash resulted in seven fatalities and 20 injuries. The incident happened around 11:05 AM, and Indian Army officials reported that troops stationed nearby quickly responded to the emergency.

The army stated that the accident site was approximately 5 kilometers from Durbuk. Soldiers at the scene immediately began evacuating the victims. All 27 passengers, including the six who died initially, were transported to the Military Hospital and Primary Health Centre at Tangste. Subsequently, 14 military ALH and Cheetal helicopters were used to airlift the injured to the Military Hospital in Leh for further treatment.

Following initial examinations, 20 injured individuals were transferred to SNM Hospital in Leh for continued care. One person with a spinal injury was retained at the Military Hospital for MRI and additional treatment. The fatalities included six individuals who died at the scene and one who succumbed to injuries post-evacuation at SNM Hospital. The injured comprised three children and 17 women. The swift response from the military and medical personnel was crucial in managing the aftermath of this tragic accident.