New Delhi: German audio brand Sennheiser on Wednesday launched new HD 560S headphones in India for Rs 18,990. The HD 560S is tailor-made for listeners who need to understand a tune in all its details, from the recording studio to the sound file. It aims to show how a track is intended to be heard, rather than delivering an interpretation offered up by a headphone’s sound design, the company said in a statement. The HD 560S’ transducers are specifically tuned for accuracy, offering dependable A/B comparisons of mixes, sources and media formats. Its open-back ear-cups facilitate a natural expansion of sound waves, while their angled alignment recreates the optimal triangular listening position of loudspeakers for a wide, articulate sound-stage — without the need for room treatment. The product aims to offer a frequency response of 6 Hz–38 kHz frequency range with honesty, complemented by gratifying and smooth low-frequency extension. For maximum versatility, the HD 560S is equipped with a detachable 3-meter cable, 6.3mm jack and a 3.5mm adapter with a flexible 15cm lead.

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