The Delhi police detained senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Shashi Tharoor along with other party members on Friday. During a protest against the Central government on price rise and unemployment in Delhi, they all are detained.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi alleged that some MPs were beaten by the police. Meanwhile, all Congress MPs were marching towards Rashtrapati Bhawan.

Earlier a day, while addressing a press conference in Delhi, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said, “How do you feel about the death of democracy? What this country built in 70 years was destroyed in 8 years. There is no democracy in India today!

Congress leader Rahul took a jibe at PM Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah. “Today, there is a dictatorship of 4 people in India. We want to raise the issue of inflation, unemployment, etc. We want to discuss the society being divided,” Rahul said.

The Centre has put “its people” in government machinery Congress leader alleged.

“In a democracy, the Opposition fights on the strength of institutions. Meaning the country has a legal structure, there is an electoral structure, which as of date, is the media of the country. But, in all these institutions, the Central government has put its people,” Rahul Gandhi said.

Meanwhile, amid the ongoing protests by the Congress Party, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is holding a press conference at the party headquarters in New Delhi. Delhi Police has denied permission to Congress for holding a protest in the national capital.

However, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs of the Congress party are holding a protest “Chalo Rashtrapati Bhavan”. The Delhi police have imposed Section 144 CrPC in the entire area of New Delhi except for Jantar Mantar.