Singer Selena Gomez has showed off her scar from a kidney transplant in a new social media post. She says she now feels confident and is proud of what she had gone through. The 28-year-old singer took to Instagram to post a photo of herself in blue swimwear. She is seen posing with one leg placed on a rock, which puts her inner thigh scar on display. She got the scar from an emergency follow-up procedure after her kidney transplant in 2017.
“When I got my kidney transplant, I remember it being very difficult at first showing my scar. I didn’t want it to be in photos, so I wore things that would cover it up,” she captioned the post. “Now, more than ever, I feel confident in who I am and what I went through… and I’m proud of that. T – Congratulations on what you’re doing for women, launching @lamariette whose message is just that…all bodies are beautiful.”