A record seizure of cash, liquor, drugs, and precious metals worth Rs 147.84 crore has been made from the three poll-bound states of Tripura, Nagaland, and Meghalaya, according to a statement by the Election Commission of India (ECI) on Thursday. The record turnout in the three states marks a significant increase of over 20 times as compared to the last assembly elections in 2018, the poll body said in a statement. Among the “Big Operations” was the seizure of 3.52 kg of heroin in the Dhalai district, totaling 10.58 crores in police seizures. “Seizures of heroin were also reported from East Khasi Hills District in Meghalaya (2.447 kg) and from Chumoukedima District in Nagaland (2.27 kg), done by DRI,” it said. During visits to these poll-going states, the Election Commission had exhaustively reviewed the preparations with the Central and State Enforcement Agencies.
While announcing the assembly elections in these northeastern states, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar stressed the increased vigilance and zero tolerance for the distribution of inducements during the electoral process
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