Following the recent ambush on two Army vehicles in Poonch by militants, security forces, including the Army, BSF, and police, conducted a joint operation on Wednesday. The operation covered villages along the Line of Control (LoC) in Rajouri and Poonch districts, as well as areas along the international border in Samba district.
The primary objective of the search operation was to identify and neutralize potential hideouts or tunnels that militants could exploit for infiltration. This operation highlights the security forces’ commitment to preemptively address security threats and ensure the region’s safety.
Along the LoC, the Army focused on searching for natural caves and terrain features that could serve as hiding places for terrorists attempting to cross over. Simultaneously, along the international border, the Border Security Force (BSF) and the police conducted searches to locate and eliminate cross-border tunnels, which pose a significant risk for terrorists attempting to infiltrate the region.
The security forces are adopting a multi-faceted approach, leveraging their collective expertise to address the evolving nature of security challenges. These proactive measures are crucial for maintaining peace and security in the region, particularly in the aftermath of recent incidents.
The collaborative efforts of the Army and police underscore their determination to safeguard the borders and uphold the security and integrity of the nation. The security forces remain vigilant and committed to ensuring the safety of residents in the affected areas.