Punjab Health Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu said that second dose of Covid-19 vaccination programme has begun in all government hospitals of Punjab. Second dose of vaccine is being administered to the health workers who had got their first shots on 16 January, when the drive was launched by the Chief Minister Punjab in District Hospital, Mohali.
Giving futher details, Balbir Singh Sidhu said that amongst the volunteer doctors from various departments those administered second dose of vaccine in District Hospital, Mohali include Dr Dimple Dhaliwal Srivastava (Pediatrics), Dr Sandeep (ENT), Dr Sanjeev Kamboj (Ortho), Dr Charankamal (Forensic) and Dr Vineet (Gyne).
The state Health Minister said that with this Punjab Government is moving forward firmly in fight against Corona pandemic and all healthcare worker’s vaccination is to be scheduled at least once for first dose by 19 February.
Similarly, all frontline warriors to be covered by 6 March 2021 while data upload of PRI and Revenue extended till 17 February 2021.
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