Prashant Kishor’s taunts on PM Modi, “Sea-plane and bullet train are running in Gujarat which gave 26 MPs on the other hand bullock carts are in Bihar where BJP won 39 MPs.”
Addressing a public meeting at Bhagwanpur in Vaishali during Jan Suraj Padyatra, Prashant Kishor said, “We should leave whether Bihar developed or not after Modiji became the Prime Minister. Leave this matter whether the children of Bihar got employment or not. Modi ji is making the country new and things are getting expensive for this, so take that for granted.”
He further added, “But in the last 9 years, Modi ji has not held even a single meeting for the development of Bihar. If someone knows, show me the proof of his meeting, I will also carry the flag of Modi ji.”
He continued his comments on BJP in taunts that the people of Bihar haven’t had any luck till one meeting. 39 out of 40 MPs were won by NDA in Bihar and 26 MPs in Gujarat, but sea-plane and bullet train are running in Gujarat and the people of Bihar are running on bullock carts, so it is our fault that we are voting for BJP in the majority to win.
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