In an unexpected political twist, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is strongly considering Yadhuveer Krishnadatta Wodeyar, scion of the Mysore royal family, as their candidate for the Mysore-Kodagu Lok Sabha constituency. Although the official announcement is pending, insiders suggest that Yadhuveer is poised to become the party’s official nominee.
Despite the commendable work of the current BJP MP, Pratap Simha, who has served two consecutive terms and earned recognition for his developmental efforts, the high command has opted for a change in leadership. Yadhuveer Wodeyar, who initially showed no interest in politics, has agreed to enter the electoral arena, with the approval of Rajamata Pramodadevi intensifying political activity within the Mysore BJP.

Yadhuveer’s connection to the BJP leadership was facilitated through his wife, Trishika Kumari Wodeyar, belonging to the royal family of Dungarpur in Rajasthan. Trishika’s father, Harshvardhan Singh, a former BJP Rajya Sabha member, played a crucial role in convincing Yadhuveer to step into politics.
Pratap Simha, a two-time MP and former journalist, has garnered support from local MLAs and senior ministers at the center for his dedicated service to the constituency. Despite his impressive track record, the high command seems inclined towards Yadhuveer for strategic reasons.

The official announcement of the party ticket is still pending, leaving room for speculation. If Yadhuveer Wodeyar is indeed nominated, it signifies a significant shift in the political landscape, reminiscent of the late Srikanthadatta Wodeyar, a four-time Lok Sabha winner from the Mysore constituency during the Congress era.