The Supreme Court on Tuesday said that the Punjab government is bound to reply the queries of the state Governor Banwari Lal Purohit. The Punjab Government alleged that the governor not complying with the constitutional duties and also refusing to approve summoning of Budget session. Later, on Tuesday Solicitor General of Punjab Government Tushar Mehta informed the Supreme Court that the governor has passed an order to convene the assembly on 3 March.
The Punjab government has been asked to provide the information requested by the governor. The Supreme Court noted that constitutional authorities must maintain a certain level of communication in official correspondence in reference to avoid the dispute between the Punjab government and governor. Additionally, the governor should approve the cabinet›s suggestions for calling the assembly.
Earlier, the Punjab government claimed that the governor was not following the constitution rules and regulations.
Previously, the Punjab government reached the Supreme Court on Monday against the governor for not allowing it to convene the budget session of the assembly. The Punjab government, through Additional Advocate General Shadan Farasat, filed a petition in the Supreme Court on Monday morning under Article 32 of the Constitution of India, thereafter it was heard next day. In the petition, the Principal Secretary to the Governor of Punjab was impleaded as the first respondent. It was argued in the petition that as per the constitutional provisions, the governor has to convene the assembly in accordance with the aid and advice given by the government.
A Resolution was passed by cabinet of the Punjab government seeking permission from the governor to convene the budget session but Governor refused to call session. The session called for discussion over the CM derogatory and unconstitutional comments.
On 13 February, the Governor had written a letter to the Chief Minister, seeking information on four other issues including the selection process and expenditure of the principals sent for training in Singapore. Responding, the Chief Minister tweeted on questioning the Governor›s appointment and making it clear that all matters raised by the Governor are a state subject. The chief minister slammed Centre over governor’s appointment and said they are answerable to three crore people of Punjab.
Since then, the entire matter has taken the form of a dispute between the Chief Minister and the Governor.
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