The Supreme Court has stayed the world-renowned annual Rath Yatra and all related activities at Jagannath Temple in Puri, scheduled to take place on 23 June, due to Covid-19. The Chief Justice of India nremarked, “Lord Jagannath will not forgive us if we allow it.”

During the hearing, the SC said, “Such gatherings cannot take place at the time of the pandemic. In the interest of public health and safety of citizens, we restrain Odisha from holding the Rath Yatra to avoid large gathering that could further spread the pandemic.”

The apex court was hearing a petition by an NGO Odisha Vikas Parishad seeking directions to stay the Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra and other related activities that would have carried on for many weeks afterwards. The NGO sought an immediate order to stop the yatra since it will lead to a manifold increase in infections. The petition stated: “Religious congregation of such nature will be dangerous and has been prohibited by the state government vide its guidelines of June 1 and 6.”