On Tuesday, the Supreme Court took a firm stance against the Delhi government’s prolonged delay in releasing funds for the Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) totaling approximately 500 crore. The RRTS is a grandiose semi-high-speed rail network that will connect Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, Alwar, Rajasthan, and Panipat, Haryana.

“Just pay what you’re obligated to without needing to be coerced. We won’t repeat this over and over. Fulfill your commitments,” stated a bench comprising Justices SK Kaul and S Dhulia.

Despite the Delhi government’s claim that it had released 415 crore last week and that all outstanding debts had been paid, the court insisted on “absolute compliance” and scheduled another hearing for Saturday.

The court’s reprimand came after the government failed to meet the earlier one-week deadline set by the court to submit its share. Annoyed by the non-compliance, the court even warned of diverting funds from the ruling Aam Aadmi Party’s advertising expenditure if the directed sum of ₹415 crore was not promptly provided.

During today’s hearing, Justice Kaul emphasized, “At your request, we gave you a week to comply with our order. Now, provide documentation proving compliance.”

The Delhi government’s counsel mentioned some fund transfers, but the senior advocate representing the National Capital Region Transport Corporation refuted this, highlighting only partial compliance after four months.

The RRTS project, which spans an 82-kilometer corridor and is expected to cost 32,000 crore, aims to build semi-high-speed rail links between Delhi, Alwar, Panipat, and Meerut, with a significant 13-kilometer segment within Delhi. The National Capital Region Transport Corporation, a joint venture of the federal and state governments, is in charge of the project.